Home sight test

Are you a care home manager?

Does your care home have residents that require eyecare or live with age related conditions such as dementia? We have the expertise to support your residents and train your staff too.


Do you find it difficult to get to your optician?

Don’t worry, we can visit you! Kind-sight are here for those who are housebound or unable to get to their local optician. Wherever you are based in the UK, you could benefit from our free NHS funded services.

Are you a care giver?

Are you worried about a vulnerable persons tendency to trip, drop items or knock into things? It could be due to deteriorating eyesight. Our friendly home visiting opticians can perform a free NHS funded sight test in the home.

We offer professional home sight tests across the UK

Kind-sight visit any corner of the UK, our team of qualified clinical opticians and dispensers are ready to assist you whatever your needs.

Book an Eye test Appointment